You do so well at an audition and then the director makes you wait FOREVER for the him to finish the lousy cast list!
But it's here now!
Without a doubt this was the most entertaining audition I have ever witnessed. Rehearsing this show is going to be a blast. I can’t wait to get started! Lucky for me, I don't have to wait. First rehearsal is Thursday (tomorrow!) 5:30-7:30 in the beautiful FPD auditorium. We will be doing a read-through and discussing how we’re going to put this insanity onto the stage.
A word about the casting: I made no initial cuts to the play. We will be preparing two versions of the show – the full length version for our public performances and a one-act cutting for competition. We have permission from the playwright to do this. Be aware from the beginning that some of your roles may not make it into the competition piece.
I have broken the cast list down into many smaller parts. Read the ENTIRE list. Everyone is listed several times.